Southampton Massage Therapy
Incorporating Health & Wellness Therapies for Emotional, Mental & Physical Health
Sports, Remedial and Deep Tissue Massage Specialist, Trigger Point Therapy, Dupuytrens Hand & Scar Therapy, Health & Wellness Therapies
During a session the following types of massage techniques are used:
- Cross fibre friction softens the fibrous bands, helping the effectiveness of the compression technique.
- Compression technique inhibits the local contractile forces produced by myofibroblast activity, thereby inducing a relaxed (elasticising) normalization of the treated tissue.
- Effleurage technique is used before and after each of the above techniques. Initially to increase local circulatory function and lymphatic activity by vasolidisation, then to flush the tissues through by bringing in fresh oxygenated blood.
Will it hurt?
Please do not think of this treatment as a more pain more gain exercise! Throughout your treatment you will be asked for feedback about the depth of pressure. This ensures the pressure used is kept within your comfort range.
How many treatments will be required and how far apart?
Initially 4 treatments should be planned 1 week apart each taking between 45 to 60 minutes. Improvement should be noted after the first treatment.
Will you still treat me if my fingers are in late stage contracture and I have already had surgery?
Yes, provided you understand the potential to achieve good results may need more treatments.
How much does it cost?
£65 per session in person in Peartree, Southampton, SO19, or £75 per session through Home Visits if within a 15 mile radius of Peartree.
Can I treat myself?
Yes. l have begun training Dupuytrens sufferers in the Self Massage Protocol in person or via Zoom (worldwide).
I also train massage therapists in how to carry out the full Protocol on their clients, in person or online via Zoom meeting. Please contact me for more information or to book a consultation or training session.
What research has been done related to Dupuytrens and massage?
Research was carried out in September 2011 and reported in the journal of hand surgeons July 2012. It is titled 'Nonoperative treatment of PIPJ flexion contractures associated with Dupuytren's disease'. It covers the use of massage therapy combined with night splinting. Please see pubmed:
See discussion on Dupuytrens forum:
Dupuytren's Massage
Dupuytren's Massage
Dupuytren's Contracture
Dupuytren's Contracture
I am particularly keen to alert Dupuytren's contracture sufferers to the possibilities of massage therapy. Waiting to see the condition develop into surgical or enzyme injection intervention could be avoided, provided treatment is begun early upon the discovery of nodules or cords.
Dupuytren's contracture is an abnormal thickening and tightening of the normally flexible tissue beneath the skin of the palm and fingers, called the fascia. The fascia contains strands of fibers, like cords, that run from the palm upward into the fingers. In Dupuytren's these cords tighten, or contract, causing the fingers to curl forward into the palm, and can cause lumps and pits in the palm of the hand.
If you have a family history of Dupuytren's contracture then the "wait and see" GP advice will be of little comfort. Starting treatment early when nodules and cords are not yet contracting or only pulling a few degrees may offer several advantages:
- The cords/nodules will be less dense, therefore easier to treat.
- The cells involved will be less fibrous, increasing the possibility of resuming normality.
- The skin will not be so densely (puckered) hardened or fixated.
- The finger joints (PIP Joints and MCP joints) will be more mobile.
- Less spread of fibromatosis into other fascial structures or ligaments, therefore less likely to involve tethering to the neurovascular or lymphatic systems.
- Avoidance of surgery, needles, radiation etc.
- Less likely to promote scar tissue formation.